12 January 2021 was held an online meeting of the World Medical Association Socio-Medical Affairs Committee. Zoom was chosen to be the platform.
It was not the first time for Stepan Firstov to attend meetings at the international level. It should be reminded, that he has been leading his international activity since 2017 as World Medical Association Associate Member. There were noted 106 representatives of various medical communities and associations. Presence of members of the international community required interpretation services into English, French and Spanish.
The meeting was moderated by prof. dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, Chairman of the WMA Council, and dr. Otmar Kloiber, Secretary General.
After the opening ceremony and opening remarks of the chair, all members moved on to discuss current issues on access, quality and safe medical care as well as preparedness for subsequent pandemic outbreaks, importance of primary healthcare and hospitalization.
Dr. Feiming GU from the Chinese Medical Association presented report on observer status for Taiwan to the World Health Organization (WHO) and inclusion as participating party to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
It should be noted, that the attention of the world community was drawn to the possible means of protection from solar radiation (photoprotection). World health leaders believe, that excessive exposure of solar radiation has an adverse effect on the health of an individual and leads to the development of the pathologies and cancer skin risk. As a result, doctors around the world were urged to inform patients about compliance with all possible actions to protect and consider properties needed to choose sunscreens.
During an active discussion, topics on availability of medicines, supply chain, legislation, correct distribution of medical drugs to people in need as well as economic, social, scientific and financial aspects were under great attention. «Call on the pharmaceutical industry to promote the continuity of medicines supply chain to avoid interruption of treatment,» said dr. Osahon Enabulele from the Nigerian Medical Association.
To install Work Group on the development and improvement of the medical technologies was offered by the Israel Medical Association. The main aspect for the WG is to focus on new technologies, doctors and industry. In addition, the members of the Work Group were charged with expressing their opinions and determin the direction of the development of health technologies, apply knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems designed to solve health problem and improve life quality.
This was one of the first meeting of the WMA Socio-Medical Affairs Committee in 2021 with possibility of participation of members from various medical assocaitions and communities from about the world.