The World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) launches campaign to improve working conditions for health specialists about the world.
To improve work results measures must be taken to strengthen the system and increase investments in workforce.
Covid-19 pandemic puts an unprecedented strain on Health systems and increased the need in productive professionals. Even before the Covid-19 crisis, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank foresaw shortage of 18 million health workers about the world till 2030 primarily in low and lower-middle income countries.
The current need to invest in health personnel becomes even more obvious. The pandemic highlights the urgent need in medical institutions, which have good working environment, provide patience’s' care of quality, strive to excellence and strengthen the health sector as a whole.
WHPA is represented by 34 million of medical workers and announces, that empowering health workers is important step toward goal achieving needed for universal health coverage and goals of sustainable development. It is a specialist, who creates ground of each and every health system. Governments must provide safety and flourishing conditions for productiveness.
Alarming reality has negative influence on practice and life of many medical workers and health systems and includes unsafe working conditions, huge workload, poor equipped rooms and threat for personal safety as well as unfair compensation. Lack of investments in the health system leads to an acute shortage of medical staff. It negatively affects the health of people and well-being of workers.
As a part of its new campaign, the WHPA highlights the need for urgent actions to address the global health workforce crisis, and call on governments to ensure that health workers have decent working conditions, a manageable workload, stress reduction measures, adequate remuneration, psychosocial support and consultations, especially during emergencies.
We reckon, that our global platform and campaign help to unify attempts and actions of all stakeholders. The unity is essential, if we want to succeed in creating sustainable health systems now as well as in future, noted WMA Secretary General and WHPA Chair Otmar Kloiber in 2020.
Challenges in the health system are more than enough and to eliminate them, all opportunities, that we have, must be implemented. We need strong collaboration among governments’ authorities as thinks Stepan Firstov an expert, Associate Member of the WMA, physician, politician, public figure, FMC clinic general director, consultant of the public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and a member of the Council on self-regulation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, an author of ten medical projects devoted to health system improvement and accessibility.