The Forum was organized by the political party «Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice» jointly with All-Russian public organization Society of doctors of Russia.
The Forum turned to be the first event after signing of the cooperation agreement in March this year.
The Forum was attended by 12 representatives of regions of the country. There were medical professionals of national medicine, scientific community experts and public figures. The VI Interregional Forum «Health care is for everyone» was a comprehensive result of scientific and practical conferences held over the past 3 years summing up the results of scientific, expert and political discussions on program provisions development of the election program of the «Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice». The main theme of the Forum was devoted to wellbeing of elderly generation in the Russian Federation.
Welcome speech was addressed to the audience from the Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of the political party «Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice» Vladmir Vorozhtsov, who noted, that the sixth Interregional Forum «Health is for everyone» was the result of many years work of the Party to overcome the Health care challenges. In this regard, the following theses were offered:
Medicine and the Health care must become one of the most important factors to provide public and government safety for the country.
— A fundamental change is needed for financial system of the Health. There is a need to quick transition from the current fiscal system, in which the work of institutions and specifis doctors is evaluated with quantitative and financial indicators to program and targeting financing.
— There is a need for fundamentally different legal system of violation acts of those people, who commit financial crimes of a large scale in the Health care as well as medical care sectors. Such crimes should be classified as crimes against state security.
— It is essential to pay special attention to doctors, because a doctor is a key link of the Health care
Moreover, attendees of the Forum discussed issues related to access and quality improvement of medical care, staff shortage, medicines accessibility for citizens of the Russian Federation as well as development of modern geriatric technologies in order to preserve health of elderly.
Participant of the Forum, the Head of the Higher School of organizing and managing of the Health care, MD Guzel Ulumbekova presented a report with data of a sociological survey informing, that about 80% of citizens of the country are not satisfied with the quality of medicine, while 70% of doctors and medical personnel suffer professional burnout due to poor wages, overworking, excessive requirements, document managment and etc.
Guzel Ulumbekova highlighted: «Until funding for the Health care is increased, there will be no positive changes. We should work together to increase federal spendings for the Health care up to 5% of GDP 2024.»
The Secretary of the Central Council of the Political Party «Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice» on the Health issues, the WMA member, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Chelyabinsk region Stepan Firstov in his presentation stressed, that all over the world a doctor is a subject of law because in addition to graduation diploma, he or she has to get a license to implement professional activity. The effectiveness of his or her work in this case is determined not by officials, but colleagues and medical professionals in a particular branch of medical knowledge. «It should be admitted, that european countries are much more successful in medicine. It was identified precisely in a critical moment, when they recognized and declared, that a doctor is the main figure in the Health system! Not the infrastructure or medical equipment, but medical professional. And until we «feed» the doctor, we will not have happy citizens. Indeed, treat not a hospital, but a doctor!» explained Stepan Firstov.
Moreover, a politician called for attention to the condition of a primary Health care, including remoted areas: «When new medical and obstetrical centers are being built, we have to understand beforehand how many doctors can be found to work thereat.» It is often happens, that a new medicial and obstetrical center is built, but there is nobody to work at it." Deputy and a doctor sees solution to this challenge, first and foremost, in interaction between executive branch and professional medical community. Stepan Firstov devoted special attention to the issue of staff shortage and reported, that for today medical personnel shortage in the industry amounts 40%. But if the situation is to be considered in a context of medical specialities, thus, the shortage of doctors responsible for lives is more 50-60% and includes an anesthetist, an intensivist, an infectious disease specialist and a surgeon.
Generally, interest to the Forum was shown not only form the side of represantatives of medical and scientific communities, but also the other representatives of patient and public organizations
All participants of the Forum recognized the critical importance of early changes in the Health care system.
«Coronavirus pandemic consequences one more time proved the fact to all of us, that situation in the Health care sector is disastrous. The country needs help. And it requires immediate actions. That is why he program of the Party of Pensioners is focused on the theme, that a doctor in Russia will live better and medicine will be available for everyone» declared Stepan Firstov commenting results of the Forum.
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