The second Conference named Self-Regulated System Development in Healthcare was held in the CCI of the Russian Federation on 29 Novmber 2018. This significant event was at the second time but the tradition has begun last year at the ground of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Today the Conference, organised with the help of the Association of Russian Diplomats, reached an international level. There were many delegates from medical communities as well as many other people caring about the state of national healthcare. At the beginning of the Conference international speakers, representing professional medical associations, presented their reports in front of the audience.
Member of the American Medical Association (AMA), Ankush Bansal, touched the topic of history of the AMA and its structure, issues related to protection of doctors in professional association, and lobbying of their interests. Particularly, he noticed:
«We have a huge experience in self-regulation of doctors. There are all medical specializations represented in the AMA. Professional responsibility insurance, policy of healthcare system, promotion of medical science and ethics questions are in our competence. The AMA is responsible for the clinical protocols. The only exceptions are issues on transplantation.»
Comprehensively revealing the main point of the IMA policy, the speaker said: «Legal consultations, providing to the members of the IMA, include main issues on conditions of employment, salary, retirement pension and professional insurance. These questions accompany a doctor throughout the whole period of his/her employment and even after it. It helps us find effective solutions, as a rule, allowing to avoid appeals to the judicial.»
Vice-President of the Israeli Medical Association (IMA), Alex Levin, attracted special attention of the participants of the event. A great interest was aroused with report of President of the Bulgarian Medical Association (БЪЛГАРСКИЯТ ЛЕКАРСКИ СЪЮЗ), President of the Southeast European Medical Forum, Andrey Kehayov. The speaker said that there are 28 regional associations in structure of the BMA and 34 000 members in register of the association. Speaking about the main activities of the main professional association of Bulgaria, the speaker highlighted the following: legislative activity, protection of financial and professional interests of physicians, organization and control of continuing postgraduate medical education, regulations development of medical practice, participation in accreditation of medical institutions, legal help and protection of doctors, control under medical ethics, bylaws development together with the Ministry of Health.
«It is a doctor who forces society out of the impasse and the most complex ethical issues are to be decided by medical community,» — said Andrey Kehayov.
The second part of the Conference was devoted to the discussions on the effective experience of the professional community of doctors in Russia. Leaders of the All-Russian medical associations and self-regulated medical associations registered in the territory of the Russian Federation presented their reports. Tone for discussion on professional Self-Regulation in Health was created by member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, President of Self-Regulated Association of MRI-diagnostics,» M.D., Sergey Lazarev. 1 Particularly, he highlighted: «Doctors in hospitals in Russia, essentially, are not under control. They are employees of licensed employer. But when a problem happens, a doctor faces with a forensic expert. Life makes us unite in the Self-Regulated Organizations to protect ourselves from consumer extremism and insufficiently objective expertise.»
Vladimir Sur'yaninov, Chairman of the Self-Regulated Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of Chelyabinsk region, a doctor of the highest category, shared the first Self-Regulated Association of one specialization work experience at the Conference. Speaker called for his colleagues to make voluntary association within the framework of individual specialties considering that it is unacceptable when the quality of the doctor's work is judged by people who are not even related to medicine. Speaking about gained experience in Self-Regulated Association, Sur'yaninov noticed: 1 «Association can take part in explaining control system of quality of medical help, conduct an independent expertise. An independent examination will find out whether the doctor is guilty or not, whether there is a mistake in the actions of the doctor. In future, this practise will help us to avoid the same mistakes in practice of the other doctors. The reputation of a conscientious doctor is protected by the professional association.
Denis Borsuk, Chairman of Control Commission of Self-Regulated Association of National Collegium of Phlebologists, M.D., told about the achievements of work in Self-Regulated Organization uniting all Russian phlebologists. «We help phlebologists to be legally protected in their practical activity, as well as seek to limit patients from unqualified phlebological care,» stressed the speaker.
«Doctor can not and has not to hire a lawyer by himself or herself, if it is needed. Doctor should receive legal support in the Self-Regulated Association,» — added Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee, Associate Member of the World Medical Association, Stepan Firstov.
Sergey Podvyazkin, Assistant Director of the Self-Regulated Association of MRI-diagnostics, presented a report devoted to the activity of the Self-Regulated Association of MRI specialists. «Self-Regulation in MRI-diagnostics, first and foremost, is development and establishment of standards and rules of medical practice, independent and initiative activity of all members of association, control over compliance with standards and rules, improvement of the legal base,» said the speaker. Erik Prazdnikov, Secretary General of the Society of Doctors of Russia, M.D., Professor, presented his report which was the worthy conclusion of the discussion: «Hope, that with the help of our collective intelligence, we will be able to solve problems existing in Health,» he said. Konstantin Aprelev, Chairman of the CCI of the Russian Federation of the Self-Regulation of professional and entrepreneurial activities, ended the Conference. «We need support for Self-Regulated System from every professional and the Conference named Self-Regulated System Development in Healthcare played a significant role in it».